Four Simple Beauty Tips


I must admit, I love beauty tips especially as I age. Let’s all face it, some of us are always on the lookout for the next best thing on market to promote healthier hair, skin and nails. While wearing a smile is my number one beauty tip, below are some of my favorite at-home beauty tricks that I’m addicted to and love to share with others. 

1) Jojoba Oil as a makeup remover

This is a very affordable thing to do when compared to expensive makeup removing products. It’s refreshingly beneficial to the skin and is also great for the hair. It’s my favorite multi-purpose beauty product.Besides being a miraculous detox drink, green tea can be miraculous for your skin too.

2) Rinse with ice cold water

Imagine having flawless skin or a a complexion close to perfection. That’s achievable if you really start paying attention to how you care for your skin. While cleansing and hydrating you’re skin are important, rinsing you’re skin is just as essential. We love to warm to hot water in the shower, but when it comes to locking in moisture, the key is cool/cold water. Hot warm water opens the pores but cold water closes the pores and locks in moisture.

3) Sunscreen for bright eyes

There’s nothing more attractive than bright eyes without dark circles and swelling. As we age, we often forget that the largest organ is our skin. That means we should take care of it. This may sound simple but sunscreen is best to fight against dark circles and Green tea bags help with reducing puffy eyes/swelling. I know concealer is addictive but try going natural. You won’t regret it.

4) Drink water for smooth skin

We often hear that we need to take in eight glasses of water. But why? According to medical professionals, water helps to keep our skin smooth and radiant. However, some of should take slightly more than the eight daily suggested cups of H2O.  So here’s a little math homework in order for you to figure out how much water you should take in daily. Step on the scale to weigh yourself and divide that number into half. That’s how much water you be drinking everyday. Half your body weight in ounces. 

Well, there you have it. Start treating yourself good from the inside on out.