It’s always important to set aside time to be alone. In fact, a friend once told me that she actually thrives in solitude. I was puzzled at first but then she began to share why she looks forward to taking trips alone or unplugging every once in awhile. I must admit, doing the same for myself is an invigorating habit to adopt. You don’t need to set aside a weekend for solitude. Sometimes, all you need is about 20 minutes of alone time each day to help you rejuvenate from the daily hustle and flow of life. You’re probably thinking solitude is sitting quietly in room. However, it can be an actual activity. You can write in journal, take a walk in the neighborhood or just meditate on a devotional quote. Whatever you decide, be sure to unplug from electrical devices and allow yourself to just be. I love to daydream, so being alone with your thoughts will work too. You also might schedule an activity to do by yourself once a month. There’s always dinner for one or maybe a movie to see. There are certainly benefits to alone time. Check out the list below:
Grow more comfortable in your skin- Solitude helps you to get to know yourself.
Create strong inner circles- You’ll be able to recognize who doesn’t fit into support system.
Boost creativity-Privacy fosters your creative mind and productivity.
Build mental strength-Solitary skills can improve your psychological well-being.
Goals, dreams and aspirations come to life-Solitude gives you the opportunity to plan things.