“As I started writing, God began to pour into me.”
Sherita Thompson
The moment Sherita Thompson realized her strength came from God, she said her life began to change. Thompson decided to document that transformation in the book, “They Changed Me,” which serves as a source of encouragement for wives and mothers. At one point, Thompson felt the people in her life needed to undergo conversion. She spent more time complaining rather than praying.
“Life happens and we have to make choices. Sometimes our choices can either define us or destroy us. Praise God, mine actually defined me,” said Thompson who started to get closer to God through study and prayer.
The process wasn’t easy but it was a journey Thompson embraced, which is why she has a symbol of a caterpillar turned butterfly on the back cover of the book. In the early stages of her life as a wife and mother, she would write love letters to her husband and thoughtful notes to her three children as well. She originally envisioned her book to be a compilation of some of those random letters but that wasn’t the case once she finally got the courage to express herself in the most intimate way.
“As I started writing, God began to pour into me,” she said of the evolving process.
During that time, Thompson's commitment to sharing personal experiences from different periods in her life ultimately helped her to find a voice, become more honest and figure out the things she wanted to accomplish. Her transparency also allowed Thompson to see that “love” is an action word that requires work on her part, recognizing that the idea of perfection is a disease that separates people from God.
“When I realized I wasn’t perfect, I found my voice because I knew what I needed to do,” said Thompson who received the answer in the form of one word, surrender. As a Christian woman, Thompson decided to be the change she wanted to see in family members and other surrounding loved ones when she surrendered the things she couldn’t control to God.
“As it relates to the book, it’s rippled in scripture and love,” Thompson shared. “I realized that finding my voice didn’t mean trying to take my husband’s voice away. God revealed his love for me through my family and how they love me, that’s when the transformation came in.”