It’s tough to sometimes develop an exercise routine. But to establish any habit, you must first make the decision to stick with your goal. Did you know, it takes 21 days to renew your mindset? That means 15 minutes per day, 7 days per week, for three weeks to train cognitive functions such as memory, attention and speed. Challenge yourself and try. A few years ago, you would never catch me at the gym. However, I’ve learned a few things on my journey to a healthier lifestyle that may be worth copying. These things led me to making exercise a habit and I don’t regret it.
Set a time and get on a schedule-Are you a morning or evening person? That’s important to know. I used to head to the gym at 5:00 a.m. but now I’m on an evening schedule. Just be sure to lock in a time and stick with it. It’s easy to put things off, but if you do, you won’t develop a daily exercise habit.
Start small. I started off with classes and eventually transitioned into weight lifting. Also, you don’t have to spend hours in the gym. Spend at least 20 minutes there until you get comfortable. Once you’ve reached a certain level of comfort, later work on increasing the intensity of your exercise routine.
Mix it up. Make your exercise routine an interesting one. Don’t be afraid to work different muscles. Take a swimming class one day and yoga on another. Whatever you do, don’t allow yourself to become bored in the gym.
Pick a rest day. Recovery is important. If you ever feel like your body is too sore to move around, just take time to rest but not for too long. One rest day is acceptable. The key is to do something every day, by getting your body used to daily exercise, and forming a habit. So if you have to, try stretching on your rest day.