There have been a lot of articles circulating lately about the importance of maintaining a healthy skin barrier. According to experts, not only does the skin barrier keep skin irritants away, but it also helps trap moisture and oils in the skin.
Today, we take a closer look at the skin barrier, what it is, and why everyone is talking about it. Keep scrolling to learn more.
What is the skin barrier?
The skin is the largest organ in the human body and it’s made of several layers that serve different functions. In charge of keeping the skin from harmful pathogens and toxins, the skin barrier is also called the “stratum corneum” or the topmost part of the skin. Under a microscope, the skin barrier appears to look like a brick wall. Inside each “brick” are keratin and natural moisturizers that give the skin a beautiful and natural glow.
On top of keeping harmful infections out of your body, the skin barrier is also responsible for maintaining healthy moisture levels in your skin. They trap water inside your body, keeping it hydrated and healthy.
What causes skin barrier damage?
Skin barrier damage can be caused by several factors. Most of these factors are external; however, there are a couple that can be attributed to internal causes.
External factors
An environment that’s too humid or dry
Pollutants, allergens, and other irritants
Excessive exposure to sun/UV rays
Harsh soaps and detergents
Exposure to harmful chemicals and substances
Internal factors
Psychological distress
How do you maintain a healthy skin barrier?
The first step to maintaining a healthy skin barrier is to establish a good skincare routine. A healthy and consistent skincare regimen won’t only help you cure dry skin, but will also help you avoid skin issues as you age.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind:
Less is more
Your skin doesn’t require a ton of products to stay healthy and hydrated. In fact, using too many products may cause your skin barrier to weaken without you even knowing. When deciding which products are essential and which are not, talk to a skincare professional or dermatologist. They can help you find the best solution fit for your specific situation.
Furthermore, ask for advice on how to conduct your skincare regimen the right way. It’s normal for people to commit errors when it’s their first time trying a skincare product or method. One common example is oil cleansing.
Oil cleansing has been around for centuries. However, because it isn’t as talked about compared to other skincare techniques, it’s common for people to make oil cleansing mistakes.
Don’t skip the moisturizer
Moisturizing daily is an important part of a healthy skincare routine. Not only does the right moisturizer help retain water in the skin barrier, but it also helps keep the skin soft, smooth, and elastic. Experts recommend putting on moisturizer after taking a bath or shower while the skin is still damp.
The moisturizer you should use will depend on your skin type and sensitivities. If you aren’t sure what type of moisturizer you should be using, contact your dermatologist for assistance.
Take it easy
Tugging, rubbing, or pulling on your skin can very easily break the skin barrier. This is especially true if you’re caring for sensitive skin. It’s best to take it easy on your skin and be gentle when you’re applying skincare products. Other tips to keep in mind:
Pat (not wipe/rub) your skin dry after showers
Use a gentle cleanser or soap when taking a bath
Avoid hot and long showers
Avoid scratching your skin too intensely
Eat a healthy and balanced diet
What you put into your body will reflect on the outside as well. According to research, a nutritious diet filled with whole foods, healthy fats, and antioxidants can help keep your skin looking its best. It can also help maintain skin elasticity, giving you a healthier and younger appearance.
You should have a healthy portion of the following foods in your diet:
Beans, peas, and lentils
Salmon and other fatty fish
Other yellow and orange fruits and vegetables
Final thoughts
Beauty boutiques have shelf upon shelf of beauty products that possess the same goal: to protect and strengthen the skin barrier.
The skin barrier is responsible for a lot of things, from keeping the skin infection-free to keeping it hydrated and healthy. Without it, people would very easily fall ill due to the many pollutants and harmful environmental toxins circulating in the surroundings.
Responsible and consistent skincare can help preserve the skin barrier and its functions. Furthermore, it can also skin issues such as dry skin, acne, rashes, and much more. We hope this article helps you understand the skin barrier much better than you did before.