Tips on Keeping the Connection

Babe, can you…? Hey did you…? What time is…? 

Does this sound familiar? Is this what your typical conversations sound like with your spouse? You are not alone! Communication can easily become business. Juggling life is busy. Amid the chaos, things get lost. An incredibly important thing – your connection. 

Excellent news, you both can improve it with a little time and effort. Reconnecting doesn’t have to be huge grand gestures – as much as we love them. Little things like a love note or making your spouse’s lunch can go a long way. Your marriage is one of the most important relationships, keeping your connection should be a priority. Need ideas? Look no further, check these out to get you started on your reconnection journey!

  • Pillow talk. Ah, yes! Laying in bed, snuggling not only sounds relaxing -it will help tremendously. Slowing down and taking the time to talk will grow your connection. Sharing your day, your stresses, and your victories will provide closeness and a deeper understanding of your spouse. Learn them again.

  • Eye contact. Make a point to take time for eye contact a few times a day. When you find yourself cooking dinner together, take one minute of uninterrupted eye contact. Okay, but why do I feel more connected after? Our eyes have oxytocin receptors in them, releasing the love hormone. Get that love hormone flowing. If you find extra time on your hands, try doing five minutes uninterrupted. How do you feel?

  • Dates. I know, I know. Date nights are constantly mentioned. There is a reason why, it is essential to take the time for one on one. It’s where you have time to reconnect without distractions. Go on that date to your favorite place or experience a new hangout together. Continue to grow your existing connection. When life is busy, time is hard to come by, but you both deserve it.

  • Small actions. If you can do small actions of love often, you will see a difference in your relationship. You will naturally feel closer to your partner. Write that love note, give them a massage, wash their car, and say a compliment. Help grow the love you started, and never stop dating them.

  • Share interests. Stay active with your spouse. Talk about individual and shared interests. Take turns trying each other’s interests with them. It is an exceptional way to have fun while building your connection. You never know what fun you and your spouse will find! Give playing a guitar a go, try new hiking spots, learn coding, or take up volleyball. Get adventurous.

Take time right now. Go do a love action for your spouse!