1. BE YOURSELF-Sounds simple right? When you’re dating, that’s the best thing you can do. Never try to be what you think the person is attracted too. If you landed a date with a potential love interest, then he obviously likes what he sees already.
2. BE CONFIDENT-A single woman should always be confident, but not conceited. It’s easy to go out and meet people when you’re comfortable in your own skin. You’re not going to meet Mr. Right if you let your ego get big or always critiquing everything about yourself.
3. TAKE THE LEAD-When you see something you want, go after it! Don’t be timid. So the next time you lock eyes with a man who you’re interested in, just approach him and strike up a conversation. It’s not like you’re about to walk down the aisle and jump the broom.
4. EXPECT TO KISS A FEW FROGS-Every man you meet is not Mr. Right! Take the experience for what it is worth. Try not to get caught up with age or your biological clock. Sure it would be nice to have Mr. Right by your side before you turn thirty or even forty. However, you’re not in a race so enjoy the dating experience. At least you get to check off those you don’t want in your life.
5. DON’T BE JUDGEMENTAL-Often times single women get caught up in the “wish” list they create. The man has to be tall, drive a luxury car, have an athletic build, etc. Ditch the list and stop being so picky. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have standards but get to know the man and make sure you pick him for the right reasons. Instead of judging things that are perishable, make sure he’s honest, respectful, caring and faithful.