Self-care comforts the mind, body and soul!
Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Take a moment every day of the week and practice self-care by playing Bingo, the HerNormal edition.
Happily Single
Self-care comforts the mind, body and soul!
Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Take a moment every day of the week and practice self-care by playing Bingo, the HerNormal edition.
You’re on the right path to happiness if you can identify with at least one of the things on this list. The sound of freedom may be ringing in your ears if you can identify with the entire list, because you’ve actually achieved happiness as a single woman. Want to give it a try? Get started.
1. You’re ok with cooking for one.
Technically you are cooking for a loved one. It just happens to be YOURSELF.
2. You decompress with Netflix or chocolate on a bad day.
Who says you can only have a cry-a-thon with a spouse. You can cry on anyone’s shoulder or indulge in lots of chocolate treats.
3. You don’t have to hide packages after your online shopping spree.
Imagine the stress of hiding your packages and then BOOM, you’re caught red handed! Now you’re on trial, trying to convince your spouse that you really are broke. Anyway, girl, you’re a boss and you call the shots in your household.
4. You control your own schedule, even if you are a single parent.
You set your goals, responsibilities and access your own needs without consulting others.
Images Courtesy: Google, Yahoo, etc.
This is the perfect time to look puzzled at folks who make such comments and ask them why! A single status isn’t anything to be sorry about. It’s not a disease or a terminal illness. I like to call it a blessing that allows some people to live differently from others. Single women and men are 100% independent and many are happy. Whenever you come across someone who blurts out a “I’m sorry, you’re single” comment, be sure to highlight your fun, growth and uniqueness. Never allow someone to shame your relationship status. You are victorious, not a failure or less of woman.
Excuse me, what did you say to me?
Additional Benefits….
Catering to yourself, using your quiet time to recharge and creating routines to promote mental wealth.