Love Potions: Make calming sprays to boost lovely feelings


Soft fragrances, love, and positive vibes.

There is nothing like a fresh, calming scent to ease your anxiety and to help you relax. Aromatherapy has been used for thousands of years to improve the mood or health of a person. It’s a holistic healing treatment that uses essential oils to benefit the mind, body, and spirit. Aromatic spritzers are an example of what works through our sense of smell. They’re simple to use and make. Just get a small spray bottle, new or old and add a few drops to some water. See the list below: 

  • Lavender:This fragrance oil has many calming properties, and it can help you unwind. 

  • Rosemary: If you’re looking to improve your concentration, you’ll want to try this oil which has both energizing and relaxing effects. 

  • Jasmine: Promote relaxation and a loving atmosphere with this sweet, rich floral scent that’s sure to soothe you.

  • Clary Sage:Try experimenting with clary sage. This soft herbal scent can be very relaxing. 

Floral scents such as rose, violet, and hawthorn could be added to the spritzers above. Always shake before each use and store in a cool and dark place. Learn more about aromatherapy: National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy.