Always protect your heart.


Always protect your heart.  That doesn't mean keep your guard up but pay attention to signs. I dated a man before who I'll call Mr. Rumor.  Why? The reason is simple. This man had many secrets and there were so many rumors circulating around about him that I didn't know what to believe.  Everything from Mr. Rumor being married, divorced and possibly gay. 

To me, the most difficult thing about a rumor is, it may actually be true and could have some validity to it. I will never forget the day I laid my eyes on Mr. Rumor.  He would tell me how much he cared for me, how I was different, and how he wanted to be with me and only me. One night while out with my girlfriends, I learned there was a lot more to Mr. Rumor.  Apparently some of my friends were familiar with him. I eventually started to replay some of the conversations that we've had in my head, eventually questioning him and the friendship we had developed. In a matter of no time our relationship faded because I started to ask questions. I guess making it difficult for him to lie and pressuring him to clarify the rumors. To date, there are still many rumors lingering around about him. 

However, I did learn a valuable lesson from that encounter with Mr. Rumor. The lesson is now a part of my dating 101 rules. I strongly advise women and make it a point myself to always ask questions and never settle.