
Reach for the Stars: Successful Women who Make Childfree Look Good

News flash! Women can build a life of success without ever bearing a child. For those that do, they are often shamed or labeled everything from selfish to “less of a woman”. No matter how someone gets to the decision, there’s certainly a lot to look forward to as more women blossom into what society still questions. Cheers to women empowering women (even men) who opt to live childfree.


Don't stress, throw confetti


Sounds simple right? Instead of being stressed, just throw confetti. If life was only that easy.

On Friday, I found myself having lunch alone. It's something I haven't done in awhile. I had a taste for some Greek food and so I made my way to a local restaurant. Inside sat a woman and her baby. She was happy and I found her quite entertaining as I watched her make funny faces to get the baby to laugh. The mother eventually started to walk around with the child, making her way to a seating area near me to chat briefly with the owner. The sound of baby talk suddenly filled the restaurant as the owner transformed into a little character of her own to capture the baby's attention. I tried to ignore them but I too became engaged and pulled in by the baby.

Infertility for some women is truly a struggle but I refuse to allow it take over my life. Sure I would have loved to be on the other end, turning into my usual silly self around the baby. In the past I fell into a brief depression where I tried to avoid women with children. Today, I throw kindness around like it's confetti. Why? Because love is kind. Besides the first step to being a mother whether you birth a child, adopt or nurture one in random settings like a restaurant is LOVE.