
Smoothie Hacks that May Boost Your Sex Drive

Jumpstart your mood with a smoothie.

Jumpstart your mood with a smoothie.

An Aphrodisiac. It may not work for everyone but for some, they’re living proof that common foods can be used to boost libido in women. Well, what’s that? Libido is your sexual desire. There’s no scientific evidence that there are foods that change libido in women but some of the most popular ones to do the job are raw oysters, berries, bananas, honey, chocolate and coffee. Now, some of those would not mix well in a smoothie. However, here’s a list of things you may want to add to your grocery list for your next smoothie creation. These rank among the best according to studies:

Smoothie, anyone?

Smoothie, anyone?

  1. Ginseng- This popular and easy to find supplement known to increase your energy overall, and improve sexual dysfunction is the added bonus.

  2. Ginkgo- A natural herbal supplement that even comes in the form of tea that can ramp up the female sex drive.

  3. Saffron- A Spice you’ll find in a powder or capsule form that could increase sexual arousal if taken over a period of time.

  4. Maca- A supplement known to help boost fertility and combat sexual dysfunction.

  5. Apples- A fruit loaded with fiber and may increase sexual desire.

How to discover the real you with a mirror…..


What do you see when you look into the mirror? I strongly believe the mirrors in our homes can sometimes be taken as good or the opposite, revealing flaws we often try to conceal. Lately, my super large mirror and I have not been getting along. I usually blame my mirror for everything! I blame my mirror for not recognizing coffee stains on my clothing that I often miss while in a rush or the lipstick that lands on my teeth. However lately I have been blaming my mirror for my constant heartache. Every time I look in the mirror I feel like I'm reminded of a flaw that I didn't see before and no matter how much I change my outer appearance, my mirror always catches the real me. I have been holding on to so much these past few months such heartbreak from yet another failed love interest and sadness because I didn't want to face the truth. The reality is we can't hide from our truth and it's just that simple. We can walk past our mirrors, pretend that they aren't there but eventually we will have to face them and the fact that the person looking back is truly us.

So I've been making a point to not only stop and look in my mirror but confront myself and ask if I really like the person that I've been seeing?! In doing so, I’ve realized that I'm not defined by who I see or by the things that I've gone through. My mirror is just a reminder that the person I see is still here and that person can still grow and change for the better.