
5 things the workplace can learn from childless women


Often times people assume women without children have a ton of free time to do one thing......work. So you're the first person called into the office for late or overnight shifts. Why is that? Maybe it's because childless women aren't respected in the workplace? I certainly feel this way.I'm sure this is all to familiar to single women too. Now, what if you're married? Does that mean, childless couples struggle to figure out what to do with their free time?

If you're exhausted because you're childless then here's a list of 5 things you can share with co-workers even some family members and friends to ensure them that you're not twiddling your fingers at home.


  1. Childless women and couples know how to have fun: Yes, surprising but true and they often look forward to the weekend because they're child-free. Bingo!
  2. Lazy time is necessary: We may not have children to feed, bathe and spend time with but oversleeping on a Sunday is not a crime.
  3. Self-care is crucial: When you're childless, you can often find at least 10 things to do for yourself especially if you always have a jam packed calendar. Martini and manicure anyone?
  4. Impromptu becomes the norm in life: I'm not talking about last minute calls or requests from your boss to work late but impromptu happy hour events or evenings with friends who may suddenly visit from out of time. FYI: spouses actually like to surprise their loved ones with quick getaways or romantic walks through the park or at the beach.
  5. Explanations are a health hazard: Never offer an explanation as to why you can't work late or cater to someone else's needs. It's very rude for people to manage your child-free time. Duh!





The softest skin you'll ever touch and sweetest aroma you'll ever smell. That's what comes across my mind when I think of a baby.  The thought of being someone's protector, and comforter tickles me. I guess because in my mind I really would be a very great mother. The simple thought keeps me going especially when I start to obsess over children, think of baby names and pre-plan the most glamous baby shower in my head. I once thought becoming a mother would complete me. 

Then there's the thought that makes me wonder what makes me great without children? I often struggle with that question partly because of my fertility challenges. It's like a deep scar that I'd like to think is healing.  Unfortunately, fertility challenges have changed me, at least a part of my life where being ugly became my norm. It's no excuse but because of it I started to dislike almost everything around me, even pushing good people away. It's so easy to fall into a depression and count the things that go wrong. Instead of focusing on how great of a mother I believe I can be, maybe it's about time I shift my attention to bettering myself.  "How can I fully be the best mom ever, when infertility has brought out the worst in me," I've asked myself.  "Why do I have to wait for a child to love and how could birthing one make me the best person/mother when I have such a bad attitude," are two other questions I've posed. 

The truth is I don't have to wait until I become a mother and becoming one will not autimatically turn me into a more loving person. In fact, it won't work for anyone. Although infertility is no walk in the park, maybe it's a challenge for us to better ourselves, demonstrate patience or a reminder to not take things for granted.  I just might be tasked with achieving all three. Ha! 

Whatever you're struggling with, never think for one moment that your life is incomplete without a child, significant other or anything else. Start to train your mind to see the good in your situation. As for what makes me great now..... my blessings are just too many to count and so are yours. 


To the extreme....


I often laugh at some of the things that crossed my mind when I was trying to get pregnant. At one time, I was willing to do anything. I thought about everything from traveling to Ripley's Believe or Not Museum to rub my hands on an African fertility statue to taking African yams. The story behind the yams is that they're supposed to increase fertility and your chances of having twins.  I figured why not try for twins. 

Sometimes when you're trying to conceive you're willing to go to the extreme.  I would spend hours on the internet looking for anything that could help me achieve my goal of becoming a parent. The idea of living without a children really freaked me out. The thought of being alone with my spouse saddened me. I thought one of us would eventually die, leaving the other to grow old alone. 

All kinds of thoughts would run across my mind until I started to change my mindset. "Is there life without children," I thought. How can I get over this hurdle and will people poke fun at my failure to conceive," were just a few of the questions that cluttered my brain. 

We never know why we're faced with challenges but one thing is certain how we handle them makes a difference. Today, I accept my life for what it is and looking to be more optimistic about my future as well as celebrate all of the other great things I have going on. 

Infertility isn't the end of the road. If anything it has taught me patience as well as endurance and that's the one important life lesson that we can all benefit from. 


New Year. New Dreams. New Attitude!

I used to get depressed every month during the start of my menstrual cycle but now I look at it from a different perspective. It's now a reminder for me to keep trying to conceive. That's my attitude these days. When life knocks you down, get back up!  

I must admit, it hasn't been an easy task especially when family and friends are convinced that after marriage there will be a baby carriage. Some couples will have the total package, but the reality is not every marriage will experience the baby carriage the traditional way. Sometimes, couples have to go another route to grow their families like adoption. Whatever the case, I've learned over the past three years not to allow anger and sadness to consume my life during this "trying to conceive" process.  

A few weeks ago, a college friend shared some exciting news with me. "I'm pregnant," she exclaimed. Okay I rolled my eyes not because I was unhappy but because I'm human. I immediately thought, "It's happening again. Everyone is pregnant except for me."  Then I suddenly challenged myself to not take her good news so personally. To be honest, she has no idea what I've been battling with inside. In fact, not many people can say they know what I've been going through because I've chosen not to share the most intimate details of my infertility journey.  Unfortunately, I feel like some people just want to be in my business, are self-proclaimed experts who give bad advice, or false prophets confessing everything I want to hear.  However, as I work on opening up to people, I've decided to be happy for my friend. Ultimately, her pregnancy is a blessing and worth celebrating.  After all, her exciting news doesn't mean that I'm not blessed. I have plenty of things to celebrate too. 

QUESTION: How do you cope with infertility? Share your story. 


Motherhood takes patience


If it takes patience to be a mother then it must takes patience on the road to becoming a mother.  That's a hard pill to swallow for someone like myself who lacks patience but I'm working on it. And I know I'm not alone. While some of my friends are sending their children off to high school, I'm still on the journey to conceive. I'm not actively trying like I was in the past but if it happens, I would embrace the opportunity to be a mom.

In just a few weeks, I'll be heading into the age range where women experience more difficulty getting pregnant. A scary reality I must face. However, I'm always reminded by family and friends that a baby is in my future. One of my closet friends said to me that she had a relative who didn't conceive until age 50, and that I should remain patient. "You mean to tell me, I may have to wait until 50," I frantically thought. Should I even try for that long? 

Whatever the case, I'm learning that patience isn't an overnight process.  I don't know about you but I strongly believe that's my lesson during this particular chapter of my life. How many people can actually say they mastered patience?  I'm the kind of person who wants what she wants now.  Unfortunately my "now" has turned into years of waiting for a miracle baby. According to doctors, it's unexplained infertility and my parents just believe motherhood hasn't happened yet due to stress. Other family members point to the men in the family because conceiving appears to be a familiar challenge.  As for myself, I think there's something bigger and of course a greater message behind my fertility challenges.  

In fact, each time I hear about someone's fertility challenges and all the money some couples spend to conceive just to end up pregnant naturally, I start to look forward to sharing one of those "miracle" stories as well.  A few weeks ago, my cousin who suffered from PCOS said after medical treatment and completing adoption classes, she reluctantly took a pregnancy test one day after feeling sick.  To her surprise she was pregnant. Now she has a two year old daughter. 

"I believe there is more to conceiving than medical treatment! Yes, it does work for some but for those that it doesn't.....Don't give up," she said. 

Sure it's normal to feel as time passes there's no hope but my cousin said it best, DON'T GIVE UP!  Although I've never imagined fertility challenges to be a part of my story, each passing month, I suddenly feel stronger and willing to "patiently" wait.  


I Choose Happiness




I had a situation at work once that made me look at my life in a negative way.  I couldn’t help but to look at one of my co-workers who returned to work after having a baby in an unflattering light. I thought to myself, "She's living the life that I'm supposed to be living".  “How dare she flaunt it in front of me.” I didn’t desire to be her.  Neither did I envy her because quite frankly, she appeared to be needy and often starved for attention. Ironically, it was that lack that I identified with.  I didn’t lack attention in my marriage or in my professional life, but I was lacking something I wanted so dearly, a child. I think the thing that really hurt me at that time was when I opened my email and read that my co-worker was returning to work only part-time, so she could spend more time with her growing family. That's when my former plans hit me smack in the face. My plan was to get pregnant and eventually decrease my hours to part-time. Unfortunately, that never happened and the email reminded me of that.

The entire day, all I could think about was the fact that she was living out my dream.  I also began to wonder if planned pregnancies were overall more difficult to achieve. According to the Guttmacher Institute, the average American woman spends about five years trying to become pregnant and nearly three quarters of her reproductive life trying to avoid pregnancy.  I also learned that 51 percent of 6.6 million pregnancies in the United States are unintended. That means the pregnancies were either mistimed or unwanted, while leaving about 49 percent of the pregnancies planned.  The sad thing was that information just didn't help my bothersome thoughts. I remember tossing and turning the night before she returned, dreading to hear stories about her newborn baby. In fact, I was also dreading all the stories from the other parents in the office. I swear the next morning came too quickly. The next thing I knew, I was forced to get my weightless (limp) body out of bed and prepare for work. I had a hard time getting myself together, and moved extremely slow.

That morning I suddenly had a flashback of an incident. I was at the airport in Atlanta rushing for a flight to New Orleans. There in the security checkpoint line was a woman holding her baby on her hip. This may sound crazy, but I really wanted to walk over and slap her.  The reason was simply because this woman was a mother. My husband was standing alongside me. I turned to him and said, "Honey, I don't like her." He questioned why and when I gave him my reason he laughed it off, but I was serious. I was angry at nearly every woman prancing around with a child. But despite my depression, I ended up laughing it off like my husband did. By the way, I'm not crazy and would never do any such thing. However, I've experienced some emotional moments during this "trying to conceive" period.

Anyway, eventually it was about that time for me to leave the house and go to work. During my drive all I could do was think about a way to be happy. I still have to do that sometimes to keep myself from falling apart. While in the car, I was reminded of a conversation I had with a friend about happiness, and how it is a choice. That very moment I said out loud, "You will choose happiness". I repeated it slowly several times so that it would sink in. Of course I didn't know how I was going to do so, and was nervous all the way up until I walked inside the office. But without much thought, that's what I did. I began to smile. It was a real one too, and not like the smiles I would put on just to keep folks from seeing my vulnerable side.  I did it.  I made it through the day with all the pictures and stories. 

In short, it truly felt good choosing happiness because we should rejoice with others.  So today I ask, when faced with heartache, do you choose happiness over the hurt?  I’m a witness it works.








Where’s my baby?

I was supposed to be pregnant by August 2013. That's what fertility doctors told my husband and I when we first took our problem to a top rated medical care facility in Philadelphia in April of that year. The specialist was the second fertility treatment center we've visited. I was very hopeful and excited because this particular doctor was young and very welcoming. I was 33 and my husband was 35 years old. 

While most couples just have sex and get that "unexpected" pregnancy surprise, we were trying to get pregnant on purpose.  We originally started in June 2011 on our own.  However, many unsuccessful attempts led us to seek fertility treatment.   It was our last attempt to get pregnant. The first center made my husband and I feel like just a number. So you can imagine that things didn’t go well at the first fertility facility. Anyway, there we were sitting inside the lobby of a new fertility clinic we had chosen. Also in the lobby was a young looking couple just like us but they had a child with them. Curious, I decided to spark up a conversation with the woman. She introduced herself as Ellen. I learned that the slim woman was a breast cancer survivor. She was diagnosed in her early twenties and had chemo and radiation by age 23. The treatment left her infertile with a depleted number of eggs. Ellen also shared that her husband's sperm count wasn’t great either but eventually the couple was able to conceive thanks to help from doctors.  Ellen started out on Clomid and had multiple intrauterine inseminations also known as IUI's. That's when doctors use a catheter to insert your spouse's sperm. Doctors inject the sperm known as "the good swimmers" which is usually gathered after a sample of sperm has been washed and spun. As for the IUI, the procedure isn't any more uncomfortable than a routine GYN exam said Ellen who returned to doctors so she could become a second-time mom. I still had testing to go through before my husband and I could go through the IUI process. 

My first few visits to the fertility doctor consisted of bloodwork which is personally rough because I seriously hate needles. No matter what, I tend to squirm when nurses come my way to take blood. Surprisingly I managed to get through that process and things looked well on my end. Next, I was scheduled to have a Hysterosalpingram (HSG) test. I must say that was probably the most disturbing test for me. I remember walking in a surgery room with a nurse. A doctor was there waiting for me. Another set of doctors were in the corner monitoring radiographic screens that would show my cervix. During the radiology procedure, dye is injected into the uterine cavity to show whether or not your fallopian tubes are blocked. Any such blockage in your fallopian tubes makes it difficult for you to get pregnant. 
Prior to having the HSG I was advised to take 2-3 Advil before the test to lessen the pain after the procedure. I'm not sure if it helped much because I felt very uncomfortable and the cramping was just too much for me and so I cried until doctors were finished. The nurse did her best to comfort me, quietly whispering in my ear that things would be fine. Fortunately, the procedure revealed my fallopian tubes were all clear and that there was no blockage. That was certainly good news. It looked like it was just a matter of time before I would have a bundle of joy in my life.

Now it's prep time for my first IUI. I had clomid in my system. I had my ovulation kit handy and I was serious about testing my urine every morning for the Luteinizing Hormone (LH).The directions seemed easy and for some reason I felt very positive. Seriously the entire process helped me learn my body more intimately. On May 7th my LH levels were high so I headed into the doctor's office for my first IUI. The surge in LH levels occurs right before ovulation and pinpoints your most fertile days to get pregnant. Unfortunately nearly three weeks later my period came on but I wasn’t too disappointed.  In June my husband and I repeated the same process. We were unsuccessful yet again. Then in July we tried another IUI. Two weeks later we were expected to head to the doctors for a pregnancy test. To me, I was pregnant. More days passed by and then it was 18 days after my third IUI and I felt like I waited long enough to find out if I was pregnant. The goal was to call my doctor in the morning but to my surprise my period came on before I had the chance to make that appointment.  I was distraught. This may sound odd but I don’t even think I shed one tear. At that very moment I became numb. My husband and I have been trying for two years and it was starting to damage us and our relationship. 

Every single test and or medical procedure determined that I was perfectly healthy therefore leading doctors to categorize my situation as "unexplained infertility".  You would think that I would have been happy to learn that I didn’t have fibroids, cervical polyps or endometriosis. Basically conditions that make it hard for women to get pregnant but I actually became quite depressed.  It didn’t help much that there wasn’t anyone close to me that could coach me through this experience. As far as I knew I thought getting pregnant would be easy. Do you know that there are only a limited number of days each menstrual cycle when a woman can get pregnant?  You have a few days before ovulation and only 24 hours after it occurs.  The next step would be to try In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) which involves combining eggs and sperm outside the body in a laboratory. Once an embryo is formed then it is placed in the uterus. It's an expensive procedure along with adoption I just wasn’t ready for it at that time. Besides it was now August 2013 and I was trying to cope with not being pregnant after doctors promised me I would be with child.  

I guess you can say I'm still in the grieving period. Most days I'm strong. In fact, my attitude these days is "If it's meant to be then it will happen". But there are days when I become sad but I've learned that it's ok and normal to have such feelings.  Sure August 2013 has come and gone but I'm no longer on a schedule to get pregnant and that has helped tremendously. So I encourage all women to be strong, keep trying and don't stress by trying to plan every single detail in your life.  Love your life and your situation. In fact use what's going on in your life to strengthen those around you.